Dementia Care

We offer flexible Dementia care packages under your term preferences

We know how worrying and stressful it can be when the reality of a loved one living with dementia or increasing memory loss sets in, and they are finding challenges to cope alone. Often times, family caregivers will find it very challenging to provide the care and support that their loved one needs to be able to continue enjoying life and to manage their changing needs.

Our Dementia care is all about helping you or a loved one to get the care and support that you need, to be able to carry on living and enjoying life in your own home.  Our care assistants will work around care that is personalized to you or your loved one’s needs, while maintaining independence as much as possible, and always promoting the highest standard of care for the person they are supporting.


How do I know its Dementia?

You would obviously need to consult your GP before coming to the conclusion that you need dementia care as patients will not be in a position to diagonose which dementia stages they may be at or whether or not it is vascular dementia or even otherwise. It is especially important to act quickly if you notice any or some of the problems listed below as it is strongly adviseable to do so sooner rather than later.

Related Problems may include:

Memory Loss
Reduced thinking speed
Lowered Mental sharpness

What makes us unique

When someone you love is nearing the end of their life, being at home in familiar surroundings rather than a care home or a hospital can make the world of difference. Many people therefore wish to spend this precious time surrounded by family and friends in their own home, where they have always been. We provide the essential package of support to enable this wish to be fulfiled.